The sophomores arrived in New York mid-afternoon on Thursday, and after dropping off our bags at the Vanderbilt YMCA, we headed to the United Nations for a guided tour. We then had the opportunity to visit Mr. Green’s alma mater, the New York Academy of Art, where were given a tour of the entire building. Students had the unique opportunity to see students’ studios and to talk to artists before and after the formal critiques of their work. We finished the day in Times Square. On Thursday, we started with self-guided tours at the MET museum, had lunch in Central Park, visited the 9/11 memorial and walked through Wall Street, and then took the Staten Island ferry for spectacular views of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan. The day ended with a walk across the entirety of the Brooklyn Bridge! Our trip ended on Friday with a guided tour of MOMA, with the group braving torrential rain and flash flooding on our way out of town. It was a culturally rich adventure and a great bonding experience for all.