The juniors visited sites in Concord, Boston, and Salem. Day one was spent in Concord at Walden Pond (where Henry David Thoreau was inspired to write Walden), The Old North Bridge (where the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired), The Old Manse (a National Historic Landmark that became the center of Concord’s political, literary, and social revolutions during the 1800s), and Sleepy Hollow Cemetery (where many noted authors are buried). The group filled the second day in Boston, walking the Freedom Trail, visiting the Old Granary Burying Ground (where Paul Revere rests), exploring the area near Faneuil Hall, enjoying time at the New England Aquarium, and watching the Blue Man Group perform. On the final day, free time was spent in Salem where a few completed a scavenger hunt before visiting the Peabody-Essex Museum. The group showed special appreciation for exhibits on wearable art and a Chinese home that was brought to the museum in pieces and rebuilt.