With regular time to meet and plan their work, The Academy’s six leadership councils have taken on a number of substantive tasks this year.
The Honor Council is leading school wide conversations about the Honor Code in an effort to determine if and how it might be revised. The Social Justice Council held their highly successful drive for children’s socks and underwear to send to Standing Rock last fall, and has been facilitating conversations about the various effects and manifestations of racism in contemporary American society. These conversations are meant as a precursor to a larger event being planned for the spring, in which the council hopes to have guest speakers, workshops, and invite participants from other schools and the general community. The Arts and Cultural Exchange Council has been encouraging weekly art submissions, offering lunchtime listening sessions when popular music from around the world is played, and the group is planning a Chinese New Year celebration. The Health and Wellness Council has dedicated itself to making our community healthier, and is encouraging healthy eating and exercise and offering stress management tips throughout the month of January. The Sustainability Council has created new light switch plates, installing them around campus to remind community members of the importance of minimizing electricity use, and recently screened the documentary film Before the Flood, drawing attention to the effects of climate change around the globe. The Community Service Council has held several successful community wide drives: the group collected change to support the relief efforts of Partners In Health in Haiti, after Hurricane Matthew. They also collected coats and other warm outerwear which were delivered to the Survival Center in Turners Falls, as well as several boxes of donated hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves for The Recorder’s annual Warm the Children effort. Next semester the group will lead a backpack supplies drive and organize a full-school day of community service. Ask your children about all of these projects which provide opportunities for them to connect with one another and with our broader community.